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Spring is almost here which means warmer weather is too! Spring is the perfect time to do some deep cleaning in your home, on days that are rainy or a little chilly, so you can still enjoy the beautiful weather. The idea behind spring cleaning is a chance to make your home fresh and clean once again after spending extra time inside during the colder months. Try to dive a little deeper than your weekly or monthly cleaning tasks, and clean those things you know need to be cleaned but you just don't have the time during your weekly cleaning sessions. We put together some spring cleaning tips to get your home ready for warmer weather.

Wash your windows
Cleaning the inside and the outside of your windows can be a major task or could be something that only takes an hour. Either way, letting that extra sunshine come into your home through sparkling clean windows is bound to make you feel more accomplished and happier. While you’re at it, clean the screens in your windows as well to make sure you’re getting fresh air coming through your window screens into your home.
Declutter your home and your garage
Chances are, you have a lot of things in your home and in the garage that you probably don’t need, don’t plan to use, or items that are broken but you haven’t figured out how to get rid of it. Spring is a great time to clear out some clutter in your home and your garage and donate it locally or sell it at a garage sale. This also helps to keep allergens including dust, mold, and pollen at bay.

Wipe down surfaces
We know you’ve been wiping down surfaces routinely for a year now since COVID started, but we’re talking about the surfaces that you don’t often see or have access to. Move your coffee pot and wipe the counter down underneath it, clean underneath the hand soap dispenser, empty drawers and wipe them down. Getting rid of crumbs and having a clean surface is a great way to instantly make your space cleaner and feel refreshed.
Wash your bedding
We’re not talking about your sheets and pillowcases - which should be washed every two weeks. Your pillows, comforters, and other heavy blankets that don’t get cleaned as often as sheets, should all be washed two or three times a year.
Clean under all the furniture and clean the carpets
Spring is a great time to get out your vacuum, move all your furniture around and clean all the dust, dog or cat hair, crumbs, and whatever else may be underneath your furniture that you typically don’t scoop up during your normal vacuuming. Now is also a great time to do a deep clean of your carpets. After spending a lot of time indoors, especially during the winter months, you probably have spent a lot of time on those carpets. Give them a good cleaning with a carpet cleaner.

Clean out your refrigerator
Not just throwing away products that are expired or no longer usable, although you should do that as part of your spring cleaning too. Take out all the shelves in your fridge, wash everything down with a multi-surface cleaner or warm soapy water, and put everything back in your fridge. Don’t forget to wipe down the outside of the fridge too.
Wipe down your patio furniture
Before bringing your patio furniture out of the garage or storage, wipe it all down to remove any dirt or dust. Make sure you clean the cushions and any outdoor rugs as well before you set up your outdoor patio area to enjoy the warmer weather.
Clean your gutters
Your gutters may still be backed up with leaves from the fall months. Cleaning those out will ensure proper drainage and can prevent the water from leaking into your home too.
Test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
Make sure your detectors have working batteries and are functioning properly. This is a quick, cheap task to take care of this spring and it could save your family’s lives.
Have your heating and cooling systems cleaned and serviced
Your HVAC system needs to be cleaned and serviced occasionally so the Springtime is a great time to get this scheduled and taken care of. Your heating system worked hard over the winter and you want your cooling system to be ready to go come the warmer summer months. Make sure your HVAC system is working properly to avoid any bigger problems later on.
Change your air filters
With each season change, we always recommend changing out your air filters too. While we do recommend changing your air filters every 2 months, Spring is a great time to start changing them out if you haven’t done so already. You can also sign up to receive new air filters on a schedule that works for you so you don’t have to worry about ordering air filters again.
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